Life Under Deborah's Palm

From Hamburgers to Health Food

The Gift of Discernment

What is the gift of discernment? The NIV calls it the distinguishing of spirits, but my old friend Concordance defines them the same. The root word is diakrisis which means to differentiate or pass judgment. When I looked up the word discernment, it also meant

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Gift of Prophecy

Next up on the gifts of the Holy Spirit list is prophecy. To some people, this gift may sound a little spooky. It is often misunderstood and sometimes misused, but needed on both a personal and a corporate level. So let’s delve in and learn

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Gift of Miracles vs. Healings

Next on the Holy Spirit gift list is that of miracles! And to be honest, the definition is pretty simple – supernatural intervention by God that goes against the natural order. Biblical Examples Examples exist throughout scripture; I will begin with the Old Testament. When

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Healed of Fear, Anxiety, Panic Attacks

In my early 20s, I was in heavy bumper-to-bumper traffic. Then, out of the blue, I begin to mentally freak out. I felt trapped – like I couldn’t get out, but I somehow managed to calm down. After that, I didn’t think much of it

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Gifts of Healing

The next gift of the Holy Spirit is that of the healing: “…to another, gifts of healing by that one Spirit.” (1Cor 12:9 NIV). The Gifts of Healing When people hear of the gift of healing, they assume it is the healing of a physical

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The Gift of Faith

20 “You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” (Matt. 17: 20-21) Faith.

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Words of Wisdom and Knowledge

In my last blog, “Gifts of the Holy Spirit,” I did a quick overview of the gifts listed in 1 Cor:12. It is time to begin a more in-depth look at each one, beginning with the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge. Let’s

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Gifts of Holy Spirit: An Introduction

The gifts of the Holy Spirit were releases when Jesus returned to Heaven. To identify and grow in the gifting given to us, we must begin with some basic understanding. Holy Spirit Gifts The best explanation of the gifts comes through the apostle Paul, who

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God’s Love: Holy Spirit Released

God’s love for us shows through Jesus’ actions and death. When Jesus died, the final piece of the trinity was released. Hello Holy Spirit! Holy Spirit is known by several names; comforter, counselor, Advocate, Spirit of truth, helper, guide, author of scripture, revealer, power, and

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God’s Love: Raising the Dead

Welcome back, Spiritual Explorers! I know raising the dead may seem impossible, weird, a little spooky, or like something straight out of a horror film, but let’s delve into this subject anyway! Raising the Dead: Elijah Raising the dead may sound both impossible and yet,

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