Life Under Deborah's Palm

Animals and Insects in Dreams


They fly, bite, sting, and can completely creep you out! Sometimes, that is the job of animals and insects in dreams. What is the symbolic meaning of animals and insects in dreams? Many can be found in scripture, but don’t be afraid to look them up online as well. Their habits and habitats may give you great insight as to their symbolism. Always consider how you view the creature. Do you love dogs or hate dogs? Are you petrified of spiders? Will a bee sting kill you? In this blog, you will find some things they may mean for you.

Snakes and Serpents

Snakes and serpents are sometimes synonymous. How do you feel about them? I have never been bothered by the snakes. When I was little, I had a friend with a garden snake as a pet, and even so, I have never dreamed of a snake being good. I guess he’s still got that lingering reputation from the Garden of Eden.


Was the specific species revealed in the dream, and what colors were on it? I’ve had dreams about light-colored ball pythons, Burmese pythons, and various varieties of garden snakes. Of course, the best place to learn about snakes is Genesis 3, where he convinces Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. The serpent did that by sowing seeds of doubt – “Did God really say that?” A voice of doubt may be the symbol you’re looking for.


How does the snake kill its prey? Some snakes use venom, and one bite can be deadly to an animal but not necessarily to a person. Others, like pythons, put the head of their victim in their mouth and then coil around them. It has always been thought that they suffocated their prey, but studies in the last few years tell otherwise. The pressure exerted on the prey is greater than the heart can pump, resulting in death due to lack of circulatory function. The snake’s coils will stop breathing and break bones. Despite that, my dreams of pythons are often squeezing the spiritual life out of something or someone.

Beloved Family Pets and Disliked Pets

Do you own a pet? I grew up with dogs and still own them. I love them, but not everyone does. When I see my dog in dreams, it symbolizes “church family.” Any pet owner views their pet as a type of family member. When I dream about my dog, I know it is happening in my church family. Is my dog scared? Am I protecting my dog? Is she hungry, tired, or being destructive? Whatever the case, I have some things to pray for or address.


I’ve also had dreams of unknown dogs trying to attack me. Sadly, this was coming from people I didn’t know well who didn’t care for me or what I was doing. I’ve also dreamt of strays looking for me because a person I don’t know needs a place to belong and call home. I’m a dog lover, but I always consider what the dog is doing.


The flip side is the pets we don’t like. I’m not a cat lover. I don’t mind them, but I will probably never own one. Very often, I find cats to be a symbol of something bad – especially if it’s a Siamese cat. Here’s where symbols go back to experience. When I was little, a friend owned a beautiful Siamese. I was asked to go to the house and feed it while they were away. I set the bowl of food down in front of the waiting cat. For no apparent reason, she swiped me and took the skin off my thumb. Siamese cats are never good in my dreams!

Rodents and Insects

Squirrels, mice, rats, and raccoons (technically not rodents)—how do you view them? Are squirrels cute, furry things you feed peanuts to, or are they a source of aggravation as they raid your birdfeeder? Mice and rats are generally viewed with disdain, but if you own them as pets or work with them in a laboratory, you may view them quite differently.


Personally, I find all of these animals to be pilferers, who steal small amounts, ruin food, and generally annoy me! Raccoons have black bandit eye markings, which are what have been in my dreams. Are you doing something that is allowing you to be stolen from, whether spiritually, physically, or financially? It may be that you are tolerating something you ought not to be, or perhaps you didn’t know they were there in the first place. Onto insects!


Flies, locusts, grasshoppers, beetles, mosquitoes, bees, wasps—the list goes on! The first place to look is the Bible. You will find many references to insects and animals there. Several insects are found in the Book of Exodus as Egypt suffered God’s judgment. Insects often ruin the harvest in the field or in storage.


The opposite is also true, and some insects are beneficial. Bees sting and can be deadly if you are allergic, but they also produce honey. Lady bugs are very helpful in gardens because they eat those pesky aphids that can cause significant damage. Lacewing larvae will feed on aphids, spider mites, and scale, helping to keep your garden pest-free.


What are the animals and insects doing in your dream? Are you afraid of them, or are you treating them as pets, and perhaps you shouldn’t be? As always, symbols can be good or bad and understanding the meanings are a big part of the battle.


Until next time under the palm, be blessed!


Picture of Deb Procopio

Deb Procopio

Author, blogger, vlogger and teacher of Christianity and destiny

