Life Under Deborah's Palm

Dreams In Color: What Do They Mean?


Colors have meaning and are essential in understanding dreams, so don’t skip over what seems like a small detail!

Color Meanings

When I realized that God communicated through dreams, I started writing them down. Then, having yet to learn what to do with them, I turned to others with more experience in this area. When colors came up – i.e., the color of a house, shirt, car, etc. I would get these beautiful answers:


Green: Symbolizes growth and new beginnings!

Blue: Revelation and Holy Spirit!

Yellow: Honor!

Red: Blood of Jesus!

Purple: Royalty!


Sounds great! But, in my case, they were not correct. Colors can have good and bad meanings, and when I first heard God, the colors were almost always related to “bad” things. This has to do with God developing your character and making you whole.


Alternate Color Meanings

At first, this is what the colors meant to me:

Green: Jealousy – ever heard of the “Green-Eyed Monster?”

Blue: Sadness / Depression – “Feeling Blue.” I dealt with mild depression twice a year for several years. It wasn’t serious; I had no ambition for a week and often faked illnesses to stay home from school. Finally, God took me to the root of the depression and showed me how to break it. I haven’t had an issue in twenty-five years.

Yellow: Fear – This is an old phrase you may have to return to old movies and TV shows to find: “Are you yellow?” Or a coward or a chicken.

Red: Anger! Again, an old expression, “seeing red,” meant a person was irate.

Alternate Color Meanings

At first, this is what the colors meant to me:


Green: Jealousy – ever heard of the “Green-Eyed Monster?”

Blue: Sadness / Depression – “Feeling Blue.” I dealt with mild depression twice a year for several years. It wasn’t serious; I had no ambition for a week and often faked illnesses to stay home from school. Finally, God took me to the root of the depression and showed me how to break it. I haven’t had an issue in twenty-five years.

Yellow: Fear – This is an old phrase you may have to return to old movies and TV shows to find: “Are you yellow?” Or a coward or a chicken.

Red: Anger! Again, an old expression, “seeing red,” meant a person was irate.

Shifting of the Meanings

Once I dealt with my poor thinking and behavior, the color symbols changed. No longer were the meanings always on the bad side of the spectrum. Yellow was no longer fear; blue was no longer sadness, and so on. I still have dreams where the colors are a negative symbol, but it is no longer related to me (usually); it is often related to situations God wants me to pray about.


The more you dream and build a dream dictionary, the easier it is to understand God’s message. You will become quicker and have a more profound understanding. It’s an incredible journey, don’t miss it!


Until next time under the palm, be blessed!

Picture of Deb Procopio

Deb Procopio

Author, blogger, vlogger and teacher of Christianity and destiny

