Life Under Deborah's Palm

The Meaning of Falling or Being Naked in Dreams


Don’t you hate having dreams where you fall, and it makes you jump? How about tripping or walking around with half your clothes on? This blog is the last installment in dream interpretation. I have in no way, shape, or form covered all the possibilities because they are endless! Besides falling, I will hit a few other miscellaneous categories like vehicles and phones. Let’s get started!

Falling and Tripping

I hate it when dreams startle me enough to wake me up. I’ve had a lot of falling dreams. They are usually from great heights. They tend to start on the ground, and somehow, I’m projected upward. I often bounced on something – like a trampoline, where I began with regular jumping. From there, I got higher with each bounce until I was so high that I was sure I would miss the trampoline and hit the ground. Before that could happen, I freaked out, jumped in bed, and woke up.


Tripping turns out the same. I’ll dream I’m walking along when I suddenly trip on a broken sidewalk or a step headed up (or down). In bed, my legs will react, and I will wake up. Ugh.


Falling and tripping are closely related. If you experience a dream like the trampoline dream, you are likely reaching new heights, but fear gets in the way. The fear of not hitting the landing place usually wakes me. Have you achieved a height and are doing something to jeopardize that? Is there a fear of failure in your life? It may be related to something very specific. Likewise, if I trip on something, I must ask, “Am I headed in the right direction?” If so, is something tripping me up?

Naked or Partially Naked

I might hate these dreams more than tripping or falling. There is nothing like feeling everyone is staring at you in your great state of undress as you walk around in public! First, consider where you are. Is it at home, a grocery store, work, etc.? How do you feel about those places? Is anyone in the dream noticing you are uncovered, or is it just you? If it’s just you, it may be your feelings of inadequacy, vulnerability, embarrassment, or believing others are aware of shortcomings in your life, which may be untrue. Other times, nakedness can be honesty.

Ringing Phones, Doorbells, and Vehicles

I have been in bed and awakened by ringing phones, text alerts, and doorbells. While you may think that’s not weird, we all have; I’m here to tell you that none of those things were in the physical world. God was knocking on the door, calling or texting. For example, I dreamed it was night, and I was standing in my bedroom. I heard my phone ring. It was face down on the dresser. As I picked it up and turned it over to see who was calling, I heard a voice say, “Are you going to answer that?” The dream ended. In ministry lingo, we say, “That person has a “call” on their life.” That is what was going on in my dream. The ringing phone was symbolic of a call. God was giving me something to do, and I had to decide whether to answer it. I did not see the caller ID in the dream, so I asked the Lord what He wanted me to do. I could have immediately said yes, but I wouldn’t have known what I agreed. Likewise, I could have said no and had no idea what I was passing up. We have free will. We can choose not to do what we are being asked. Once I understood what the “call” was, I made my decision.




Vehicles could be a subject in and of themselves, but we have to end somewhere! What type of vehicle is it? A car, sportscar, truck, SUV, motorcycle, skateboard, bicycle, ship, cruise ship, sailboat, military ship, canoe, and well, you get the point!


How are you getting from one place to another? One of the first things I look at is how they are powered. Motor, wind, or manpower? A person physically powers canoes, kayaks, bikes, and skateboards. Am I doing something using my power, but would God like me to use His?


What is the purpose of the vehicle? A cruise ship is likely viewed as a pleasure boat, while a military ship is there for protection. Is it an old or new vehicle? Does it have a specific name or model number? If so, I encourage you to look up the definition or purpose. There are so many things to consider!


I hope that gets you thinking about what these dream symbols may mean. Until next time under the palm, be blessed!


Picture of Deb Procopio

Deb Procopio

Author, blogger, vlogger and teacher of Christianity and destiny

