Life Under Deborah's Palm

Exploring the Symbolism of Body Parts in Dreams


Did you have a dream focused on a specific body part? Maybe it was hair, teeth, joints, or something else. Whatever the case, finding out what it means will crack the code! As always, I encourage you to look up scriptures regarding those parts. You may be surprised by what’s in the Bible. This blog will not cover every possible body part, but hopefully, I will hit the highlights and get you thinking!

Head: Hair, Face, and Neck

Let’s start at the top with hair. What color is it, and what is going on? Is it being combed, cut, permed, shaved, or something else? Hair is usually symbolic of a covering, often in a church context. In other words, pastors are considered leaders and are responsible for those in their congregation. Other authoritative coverings include the head of the household where you grew up. That could be a mom, dad, step-parent, grandparent, etc. Often, this concerns a painful situation. Other times, God may tell you to leave a place with a bad leader.


Onto the nose. We use “nosy” to describe situations where people give unsolicited advice or involve themselves in situations they were not invited into. Are you sticking your nose in where it doesn’t belong? Is someone doing that to you? Noses are also used in breathing, and air is often a symbol of the Holy Spirit. What’s happening with the nose? Is it stuffed up? Is there a deviated septum? Or are you breathing easily?


How about the tongue and teeth? Proverbs 18:21 states:


“Death and life are in the power of the tongue;
    those who love it will eat its fruit.” (WEB)


What we speak has the power to build up or tear down. Are you speaking ill of another person, and God is telling you to stop?


Teeth are associated with wisdom and prophecy. What color are the teeth? Are they cracked, missing, or broken? I dreamed that there was a space between my two front teeth. I knew God was telling me to work on wisdom and solidify my prophetic words before I spoke so there wouldn’t be any gaps.


Moving on to the neck, it has a wide range of motion. It can move side to side, ears to shoulders, chin to chest, and backward to look upwards. In the scriptures, God admonishes people by calling them stiff-necked, meaning they are not flexible towards Him. He asks them to do things His way, but they want to do things their way. Is that you in some area of your life?

Arms, Hands, and Fingers

Have you ever asked a little kid to show you their muscles? A clenched fist and bent elbow ensue, showing their bicep size. Arms may equate with strength. Are the muscles weak or strong? Are you being “strong-armed armed,” or is someone doing that to you?


How about hands? Metaphorically speaking, it could be a handout, a hand-up, or a helping hand. Is a handshake involved? Handshakes can be a greeting, but they can also be an agreement with someone. Are you, or have you, agreed with someone you shouldn’t have? It may be from the past, or it may be current. You may need to break a relationship with someone.


Fingers. The ring finger, especially the left one, is often a sign of covenant. In Biblical times, kings wore a signet ring. The king used this ring as a seal on official documents that created decrees – but I’m not sure which finger they wore it on. And then there’s the middle finger, but I think we’ll skip that one! How about the index fingers? Are they pointing in a specific direction, or may they be pointing at someone in accusation?

Knees, Ankles, and Feet

Most of us probably think of knees concerning prayer, which may be so, but there are other things to consider. Perhaps a gentleman has gotten down on one knee to propose? Or is it a metaphor for begging? Could it be worship? Darkly, hostages are put on their knees as their captors stand over them. Is there an injury such as a torn ACL? Is something torn in your life that creates spiritual mobility issues?


Although I’ve never understood the symbolic connection to this, ankles represent faith. I know others who have had the same experience. I’ve had dreams of sprained ankles – ouch! I needed to work on some faith! I’ve also had a dream of wearing downhill ski boots. If you are unfamiliar with them, they are made of hard plastic that stabilizes your ankles and feet.


Onto feet! They are for walking and running. How is your “walk” going? Are you headed in the right direction at the right pace? Does the foot have any injuries that make walking painful? God may be showing you things that are slowing you down.


Internal Organs


I will not get into this subject, but I suggest looking up their functions if you dream of such things. What is their purpose in the body? Are they healthy or sick in your dream? Hearts are pretty symbolic, especially when it comes to love – broken hearts, tearing apart hearts, giving of hearts, and so on.


I hope this helps you understand what God says to you in dreams. Until next time under the palm, be blessed.

Picture of Deb Procopio

Deb Procopio

Author, blogger, vlogger and teacher of Christianity and destiny

