Life Under Deborah's Palm

Introduction! I’m Starting for Real this Time!


Starting. This. Again. Ugh! As the saying goes, the struggle is real! I started all my web building and web design wayyy back last spring. The weather sucked and I expected that the building of this site would be done in days with blogging and vlogging and my book release right on the heals of all this! And then life got in the way. My hope was to have everything organized and moving by summer – which didn’t happen. Mostly, it was due to the site build taking weeks, not days, which threw my whole schedule off. I expected my book to be available by summer, which also didn’t happen as much more editing was needed. That took more time. Add that to the fact that it was summer, and well, that slowed my progress even more.



It is now officially autumn and I’m happy to report that my book is uploaded and available on Amazon ( Yay! That was one major thing off my plate. Although the summer seemed frustratingly unproductive on the blog / vlog front, it gave me time to think and rethink how I want things to look and the direction I want to go in. You will see the an older blog post from last spring that is still up. It will remain due to the fact that it’s been so long since I’ve built all my templates that I don’t quite remember how to fix what I’d like. So, in an effort to not waste anymore time, it stays!

Over the summer I decided I will be both blogging and vlogging these posts. So, my blogs will have links to my vlog – as you can see below!



I have no doubt that the written word will be shorter while the vlog will be more in depth. It will be your choice as to which style you prefer. Now onto my introduction! Drumroll please!

I like to help people find out their God given plans and purposes in life. Yes. You have one even if you are a hot mess at the moment.


First, a little of my backstory. I’ve always had a spiritual sense – ever since I was a little kid. Besides that, I saw my father healed twice; once of severe back pain and once he had three spots on his lung disappear. The doctor had taken several pictures and was sure it was cancer. It is a fact that was never confirmed since they melted away before a biopsy could be performed. I saw my mom healed of basal cell carcinoma, which is a type of skin cancer, and I was healed of the flu and never got it again. I also went through some issues a few years ago where I would wake up in the middle of the night with a racing heartbeat. God spoke (because he does that!) and told me the issue was not physical, but was rather, it was tied to fear and anxiety. It took a few months, but that left as well!


Is Hot your first name and Mess your middle name? If so, you have definitely come to the right place. I started reading the Bible when I was around 8th grade. It was a promise my grandmother pretty much forced me into. I didn’t want to lie to her and tell her I wasn’t reading it so I would read the smallest paragraphs I could find! Sometimes only one sentence so when Gram asked I could give an honest answer, “Yup, been reading the Bible,” while also avoiding the lightening strike that would have certainly happened if I lied to her. In fact, I think that’s the 11th Commandment: “Thou shalt not lie to your grandmother.” I remember being very confused about the people whose lives were written in such a holy book as they were anything but holy. They were lying, cheating, stealing, committing adultery and incest, along with murder and a bunch of other things. Then one day I had an epiphany. No one is perfect except Jesus. Those people in the Bible? Well, they are just as screwed up as the rest of us and yet God used them anyway. So if you think God wouldn’t want anything to do with you, take heart! I’ve got the book for you – it’s the Bible.


If you are reading this and were once a “church-goer,” whether voluntary or forced as a child, and you want nothing to do with God / church because of those experiences – hold on! First things first, don’t let the concept of God get mixed up with the religion of man. If your reluctance to give God a chance is tied to the bad church experiences or the bad church-people experiences you’ve had then you are making God the God of YOUR past experience. You’ve kicked him to the curb while the real curb-kicking should have been the crummy experiences you had. Have you ever found out for yourself who God is???


Or maybe you’re like me. I was the one who had someone who wanted to force feed me Jesus. You know, they’re the ones who demand to know what will happen to you tonight if you get killed in a fiery car wreck (insert eyeroll emoji here!). I’ve know a couple of them in my lifetime and while their intent may have been good, their delivery sucked. Jesus doesn’t need people scared into hanging out with him or coerced into hanging out with him or feeling forced into hanging out with him. There’s this little thing called free will that God weaves into our lives. We do have a choice.


I don’t push people, I simply present information so you can decide. I will be starting with the basics. First, a look at the Bible. If we’re going to talk about Jesus and God stuff then we need to look a the book that tells the stories. No one ever explained to me how the Bible was put together, the languages it was written in, or the translation process. Where did they get those scriptures from? How do we know if it’s true? Is there any historical proof of anything? After this introduction I’ll have a ton of topics to discuss. My hope is that you will give it a chance and make an informed decision – not a decision based on other’s opinions. Onward and upward!

Picture of Deb Procopio

Deb Procopio

Author, blogger, vlogger and teacher of Christianity and destiny

