Life Under Deborah's Palm

From Hamburgers to Health Food

Who Is Jesus? The High Priest

In Part 2 of the “Who Is Jesus” series, we will be discussing Jesus as the high priest. To understand this, we have to look at a guy named Melchizedek and the original high priests. Guess where we find them? Yup, that’s right, they are

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Who is Jesus? Behold the Lamb of God!

Who is Jesus? That is a long story! According to the Bible, he is many things: Alpha and Omega, Advocate, Bread of Life, Bridegroom, Chief Cornerstone, Mediator, Priest, Prophet, and Messiah – just to name a few. In this series of blogs and vlogs, I

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Where to Start Reading the Bible

In this blog I’m going to give you some ideas on where to start reading the Bible. But first… Unfinished Business In my last blog, “Now That You Have a Bible Let’s Look Inside,” I wrote about the books and their arrangement. What I didn’t

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Choosing a Bible

Choosing a Bible: Protestant Bible vs. Catholic Bible First things first. When I write about the Bible, I am talking about a Protestant Bible with no offense intended to any Catholic folks who may be reading this. Protestant and Catholic Bibles are a bit different.

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Introduction! I’m Starting for Real this Time!

Starting. This. Again. Ugh! As the saying goes, the struggle is real! I started all my web building and web design wayyy back last spring. The weather sucked and I expected that the building of this site would be done in days with blogging and

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