Life Under Deborah's Palm

Finding an Oasis in Life

I am Deb Procopio, the Reluctant Blogger

(Shameless plug, I also wrote a novel, “La Belle Communauté.” Info in the footer)

It seems I’ve known a lot of people who want to blog. I was not one of them. Sure, I have a gift of running my mouth, but blogging? Well, that requires commitment AND actually knowing what you want to blog about. Health & Fitness? Probably not…Politics? NO WAY! Sports?…I don’t watch TV. Weird, I know. Food? Hmmm…a possibility…I love to cook and eat…but that would require more time and patience than I have to develop recipes… So why am I blogging? ‘Cuz God said so…sound weirder than not watching TV? Wait! Don’t jump off my page yet! I’m not here to stuff Christianity down your throat. To be honest, I’ve had that done to me and hated it.

I’m here to write about the God stuff that doesn’t always get answered. Each year Google puts out a list of the most Googled questions. Millions of people are looking for simple answers and don’t want to step foot in a church. I get it. I think the general public is interested in spirituality, but not church and yes, God really does speak. Stay with me and I’ll tell you what he sounds like.


Me: “God, what am I going to blog about?”

God: “From hamburgers to health food.”


So I guess I am blogging about food after all…spiritual food that is. 

Blogs: From Hamburgers to Health Food

The Ways God Speaks

You should know by now that I am going to say the Bible. The scriptures are helpful to teach, rebuke, correct, and train in righteousness (2 Tim 3:16). God speaks

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Does God Speak?

The question of the ages is, “Does God speak?” The answer is – it depends on whom you ask! Since you are reading my blog, the answer is yes! Some

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The Gift of Discernment

What is the gift of discernment? The NIV calls it the distinguishing of spirits, but my old friend Concordance defines them the same. The root word is diakrisis which means

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Gift of Prophecy

Next up on the gifts of the Holy Spirit list is prophecy. To some people, this gift may sound a little spooky. It is often misunderstood and sometimes misused, but

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Gift of Miracles vs. Healings

Next on the Holy Spirit gift list is that of miracles! And to be honest, the definition is pretty simple – supernatural intervention by God that goes against the natural

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